Emphysema, a serious disease that comes with smoking.

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Emphysema a serious disease that comes with smoking.

Emphysema or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Many people think that smoking is the only cause and often overlook other nearby risk factors. which emphysema It is when we breathe in toxic substances. It may be in the form of dust, smoke, gas or chemicals entering the lungs.

And the main cause of emphysema is smoking. The more you smoke, the more likely you are to get it. In addition to cigarettes, air pollution on the streets or in factories, there is also a risk of developing emphysema.

Therefore, the best prevention is to quit smoking. Avoid or wear a mask to protect yourself from harmful fumes and toxins. If anyone is at risk of having emphysema. Should receive a diagnosis in order to receive treatment in a timely manner. 

Symptoms of emphysema 

For patients who smoke for a long time There will be a chronic cough. In the early stages, it usually occurs in the morning after waking up. or have สมัคร ufabet a little mucus There will be no symptoms of fatigue. Later, there will be symptoms of shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, and the symptoms will get worse even after you stop smoking

Causes of emphysema

  • Smoking , which is an important cause of disease.
  • Pollution symptoms: Breathing in air pollutants such as smoke from fuel combustion and vehicle exhaust increases the risk of disease.
  • Toxic fumes or chemicals from factories Whether it is dust or toxic fumes that contain chemicals. or dust from wood, cotton, or mining If you breathe it in, there is a risk of causing disease more easily.
  • Emphysema due to alpha-1 deficiency It is a genetic disease caused by a lack of certain proteins. When the body lacks enzymes It will result in the destruction of the air sacs in the lungs. 


  • A condition in which the pleural cavity contains air. It is a life-threatening condition in severe cases. Because the lung function has been partially destroyed
  • lung infection cause pneumonia
  • Air sacs that inflate abnormally Can inflate to about half the size of a lung. and increases the chance of causing a lung rupture
  • heart problems Emphysema can increase blood pressure in the blood vessels that return to the heart. which can cause right heart failure

Changing health behaviors to prevent emphysema

  • quit smoking
  • Avoid staying in areas with toxic fumes. or where there are people smoking
  • Avoid and wear a mask to protect yourself from harmful fumes and toxins.
  • Avoid things that irritate the lungs, such as dust, toxic fumes, perfumes, or clean the air conditioner regularly.
  • Eat food that is beneficial to your health.
  • Exercise regularly
  • Lung health should be checked regularly.